LDO Measurement Suite

LDO Measurement Suite

LDO Measurement Suite

Product Details

  • Overview
  • Spec Coverage ​
  • Features
  • Engagement Modes​
  • FAQ
  • Low-dropout (LDO) linear regulators are a simple, inexpensive, inevitable way to regulate an output voltage that is powered from a higher voltage input in a variety of applications. 
  • As a part of LDO product validation, it’s important to validate some of the common parameters which show-cases the performance of the device like, Drop out Voltage, PSRR, Load/Line Transient, Load/Line Regulation,… Performing Validation in traditional way with box instruments will need a lot of time and effort.  
  • Soliton’s LDO Measurement Suite is an off the shelf validation tool using NI’s PXI Platform, which helps to validate the specified common parameters and enables the standardized framework to perform rest of the measurements as well. The setup takes 5x less floor space and provides with an accurate measurement by following the standard procedures. 
Spec Coverage ​

Measurements Supported

  • Drop out Voltage
  • Load Regulation
  • Line Regulation
  • Load Transient
  • Line Transient
  • PSRR

Instruments Tested With


  • PXIe-4081

SMU (Source and Load)

  • PXIe-4139
  • PXIe-4147


  • PXIe-5433

Oscilloscope (PSRR, Transient)

  • PXIe-5922
  • PXIe-5164
  • PXIe-5162
  • Simple, Flexible, Modular, and Light Bench Setup
  • Easy to use Interactive plugins, hosted in Instrument studio
  • Easy to perform PVT Characterization using TestStand
  • Configurable measurement parameters for various test conditions
  • Easy to build and other test cases with a standardized measurement framework
  • Leverage the automation code tested across various conditions to make the RTM faster.
Engagement Modes​
What kind of engagement models are offered for LDO Measurement Suite?​

We offer 2 engagement models. ​ In the First mode, the user can purchase a license of LDO Measurement Suite and do the validation out of the box. ​ In the second mode, if a user likes to change the measurement procedure, the user can purchase the measurement code and SDK.​

Can't I build a home-grown solution instead?​

Yes certainly. But it takes time and effort to achieve the same results that you can get from our solution.​

What else can I do with NI's PXI chassis/modules?​

NI’s PXI chassis supports high bandwidth and synchronization-friendly control and read-back, from a huge variety of digital, analog, and special-purpose modules in a compact form factor.

Can the tool be readily used for Validation?​

Users can purchase LDO Solution and Measurement SDK to change the measurement procedure.​

Can I change the formula of post-processed results calculated out of box?

No, but the measured raw results are provided as output in TestStand. Users can write the required post-processing code in TestStand.​

ldo block diagram
ldo block diagram
Measurement List + Test Inputs
Measurement List + Test Inputs
ldo block diagram
Measurement List + Test Inputs

Technical Description​

Soliton’s LDO Measurement suite is an off-the-shelf validation tool using NI’s PXI platform, which helps to validate some of the parameters of the LDO / DC-DC Converter. The tool provides an interactive environment where we can modify all the test parameters to do an effective debug and facilitates to move this measurement with all the test conditions to the automated Test environment(TestStand).

The solution consists of the below modules.

  • NI PXI-Instruments – SMU, DMM, Scope, FGen
  • Interactive LDO test plugin Add-on hosted in NI Instrument studio
  • Core measurement modules  to be used in an Automated test environment
For more details, download the data sheet
LDO Measurement Suite


Instruments Supported


  • PXIe-4081

SMU (Source and Load)

  • PXIe-413x
  • PXIe-414x


  • PXIe-54xx

Oscilloscope (PSRR, Transient)

  • PXIe-5922
  • PXIe-516x



For any queries, contact us at [email protected]. We will respond within 1 business day.