Protocol Validation Suite

Perform Protocol Compliance Validation Within Hours!

Digital Protocol Validation involving protocol emulation, decoding, analysis and report generation is traditionally done using in-house solutions based on ATEs or protocol exercisers/decoders. This process can be time consuming and resource-extensive, demanding considerable hardware, software, protocol expertise, and cost.

Soliton’s Digital Protocol Validation Suite (PVS) offers a turnkey alternative. Our solutions can skew bus timing parameters, sweep voltage levels, induce communication bus faults, and measure bus timing parameters for various popular digital protocols with report generations and failure replications, optimizing both time and resources.



Test Parameter Compliance Corner cases, Faults, Glitches, and Communication Errors in a single suite.

Setup and start protocol validation in just 4 hours.

Enhance efficiency and productivity with the tool’s automation capabilities.

Find out how much time and money you can save with Soliton’s Protocol Validation Solutions

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"Soliton PVS provided a unified test platform with a simple pass/fail status reporting for validation. The Soliton Validation Suite is simple and easy to use. Setup takes about 15 minutes and validation of a working device is just a few hours. Use of the SVS has saved approximately $100K of NRE in the 1st year of application. Thank you so much for providing a great tool to validate I2C and I3C interfaces."

Hung Mai, Senior Staff Engineer at Semtech Corporation

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Revolutionizing Traditional Protocol Validation

Revolutionizing Traditional Protocol Validation

In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of traditional protocol validation process, its intricacies and how PVS, with its powerful features, offers an effective solution.

Addressing Stress and Glitch Injection Testing Requirements with Soliton's Protocol Validation Suite

Addressing Stress and Glitch Injection Testing Requirements with Soliton's Protocol Validation Suite

This case study explores how Soliton’s Protocol Validation Suite (PVS) helped a customer address their need for stress test and glitch injection with reduced overall testing time..


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The article introduces SafeSPI, a standardized format addressing communication challenges posed by custom SPI versions in complex systems like automotive platforms. SafeSPI...

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Frequently Asked Questions

When should I choose the Protocol Validation product?

Choose our Protocol Validation product if, i) You have to perform Timing (AC), Electrical (DC), Functional, and Fault Reliability Tests. ii) You want the flexibility to perform tests in-house at your convenience. iii) Your projects require continuous and iterative testing during development.

When is Protocol Validation as a Service the right choice?

Opt for our Protocol Validation as a Service if, i) You have sporadic or single-time protocol validation needs. ii) You prefer to focus on other core functionalities of your Device Under Test (DUT) while outsourcing the protocol testing. iii) You need an efficient, hassle-free validation process without investing in testing hardware and training.

What are the key differences between Protocol Validation Suite and Protocol Exercisers?

The Validation Suite is an off-the-shelf tool to perform/characterize Timing (AC), Electrical (DC), Functional, and Fault Reliability Tests. Wherein, Protocol Exercisers facilitate functional verification of protocols.

What is the lead time for the Protocol Validation Suite?

The lead time for the Protocol Validation Suite is one week post-procurement. The solution requires a Soliton interposer board, which has a lead time up to four weeks post-procurement.

Can I rent the Protocol Validation Suite?

Yes, we provide rental support for the Protocol Validation Suite on a case-by-case basis. Contact us to discuss your specific needs and rental options.