Embedded World North America 2024

Join us and other industry leaders, experts, key players and associations in the embedded community at the global platform.

Presented a technical session

MIPI I3C® protocol can be a faster, cost-efficient and low-power alternative for SSDs and MEMS.

At the event, our Vice President of Global Sales and Senior Lead presented on the topic "Advantages of using MIPI I3C® Protocol in SSDs & MEMS" and explored why MIPI I3C® could be a principal choice over traditional protocols.
Vijay Krishna Guru - Vice President of Global Sales and Business Development
Santhosh Ramaraj - Senior Lead Strategic Offering

Date & Time: 8th October, 2024, 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm CDT

Venue: Ballroom C, Level 1, Austin Convention Center